. As part of the bank’s efforts to mark World Environmental Day, Crédit Agricole Egypt confirms that it is making headway in implementing its innovation and sustainability leadership strategy, broadening its presence and increasing customer and employee satisfaction. The bank has offered community service and environment protection initiatives and has continued to support local and international campaigns to ensure a clean environment for all citizens, in line with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Crédit Agricole Egypt took part in 2019 Africa Regional Ministerial Conference on Green Economy, which was hosted by Egypts Minister of Environment, H.E. Yasmine Fouad. The conference brought together high-level Arab and African government representatives, world-class experts, as well as relevant private sector and civil society players to focus on advancing Green Economy agenda in the African region and showcase successful, sustainable and scalable green economy practices at the regional level.
Said Hassan, Head of Property Management at Crédit Agricole Egypt, represented the bank at a panel discussion titled “Best Practices for Business Going Green”, where he spoke about the bank being awarded with the first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) platinum certification in Egypt and North Africa for its head office in New Cairo. He said that with this award, we confirm the bank’s commitment to environment protection and achieving sustainable development goals.
Hassan also discussed the bank’s sustainability strategy to optimize recourses to protect the environment, and said the bank is planning to use renewable energy and solar power stations to operate many of its branches in the future.
In line with the Egyptian government’s efforts to promote the use of clean, renewable sources to meet growing energy needs, Crédit Agricole Egypt has opened a solar power station at its branch in 6th of solar power station at its branch in 6th of October city. It is the first branch in Crédit Agricoles network to have an independent power plant. The solar unit generates power that covers 30-45% of the branchs monthly electricity consumption and annual energy sufficient to meet the needs of 105 households.
Crédit Agricole Egypt also boasts the biggest rooftop photovoltaic power plant owned by a bank in Egypt at its head office in New Cairo. Opened in 2017 by Electricity Minister Mohamed shaker, the 960 kilowatts/day installation is designed to save the annual energy consumption of the building by 7 percent and promote reliance on renewable energy sources.
اتحاد بنوك مصر “ له الشخصية الاعتبارية ولا يهدف للربح ، ويضم جميع البنوك وفروع البنوك الاجنبية الخاضعة لاحكام القانون رقم 194 لسنة 2020 باصدار قانون البنك المركزي والجهاز المصرفي…المزيد